Sunday, January 9, 2011


Looking for a healthy snack? Or, just a snack in general? Looking for a healthy snack, but one that has "substance" and you don't eat up in 2 seconds? Then, try edamame (it sounds like Ed-ah-mommy)! This is a great snack and, not sure if this is the right thing to say but, fun too! These don't take long to make at all and make a great side to a meal as well. If you have company over, these are great not only because they taste wonderful, but they also make a great conversation piece! I will give you instruction on how you eat them when you look at the pics.


Frozen edamame (just in the frozen vegetable isle and at Wal Mart I found it way on the top shelf by the broccoli)
Sea Salt or regular salt

Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Add edamame and boil until done; heated through. Drain water. Sprinkle on a little freshly ground sea salt and serve.

The goods.

I use this for both the water and and top when they are done.

The boiled edamame. Oh, edamame is a soybean! So, you have this before you and you take it and (it's hard to explain in words but) you just want to eat the bean out of the pod. So, you kind use your teeth and bite by where the bean is and then pod will split open and you eat out the bean. You'll know what I mean when you actually have to eat one!

The bean will pop out like this...

And there you have it!

I think they are kind of pretty to serve too! :)

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